Hot Air Balloons – Jacob, Noam, Ava, Jordana

Hot Air Balloons – Jacob, Noam, Ava, Jordana

How Hot Air Works


Hot air expands the molecules when it is blown making them move faster and it makes the balloon fly. Also it makes the molecules go farther apart so it gets lighter and it goes higher.


Our Steps


First we cut some strings and tied them to a giant garbage bag with four holes, one on each corner. We then took it to the gym and got hot air blown into it when each of us were holding on to the strings. After a few seconds we let go of the strings to see if the bag would fly. It didn’t, It just fell down. A few days later we tried it again. We did the same procedure, but with a bigger bag. This time, when we let go it flew really high before falling down. We think it was because we had a bigger bag and it could hold more air which makes more air to lose, so it takes longer to lose air and fly down, which is good.

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