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Innovation Day 2025

Innovation Day 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Innovation Day. A day to celebrate Science here at the OJCS. Find the full schedule breakdown at the bottom of this post and parent visitation times for presentations in the graphic. Innovation Day outlines and rubrics for the middle school projects are also posted below.

Grade 6 Innovation Day – Electricity Project

Grade 7 Innovation Day – Animal Structures Project

Grade 8 Innovation Day – Simple Machines Project

OJCS Innovation Day:  Mon., Feb. 10th and Tues., Feb 11th

Day 1

  • 2:25 – 3:00 Set up for grades 6, 7, and 8 (gym)
  • 3:00 – 4:00 Open to parents and K – 5 classes to visit grades 6 to 8 projects (gym)

Day 2

  • 9:00 – 10:55 Judging in the gym of Grade 6, 7, and 8 Projects (by external judges)
  • 9:00 – 9:45 In-class presentations for K-5 (Open to parents and friends to visit K-5 projects)
  • 10:55 – 11:15 Snack break
  • 11:15 – 11:30 Tefillah for grades 6 to 8 students followed by class as usual
  • 11:05 – 1:05 Grade 6 to 8 projects left up in the gym for K–5 classes to visit
  • 1:45 – 2:25 Clean-up of grades 6 to 8 Projects in gym
  • 3:15 Whole school assembly to announce the grade 6, 7, and 8 bronze, silver, and gold medalists.
Electricity – Grade 6

Electricity – Grade 6

This post contains all of the grade 6 lessons on electricity. Students will learn about the short—and long-term impacts of electrical energy technologies in Canada on society and the environment. They will learn how circuits work by building their own series and parallel circuits and assess choices that reduce personal use of electrical energy.

Lesson 1: Series and Parallel Circuits

Lesson 2: Building Circuits

Lesson 3: Fixing Electrical Problems

There are so many uses for electricity. But what happens when something isn’t working right? Maybe your computer speakers are not working or your refrigerator isn’t staying cold. What do people do? They often need to take their appliance in to be repaired or have a technician come to the house to repair the appliance. The technician has to figure out what is wrong and why the device is not working properly. This process is called troubleshooting. Let’s practice some troubleshooting skills to solve electrical problems.


Innovation Day – Electricity Project

Project Checklist

The Scientific Method


Flight – Grade 6

Flight – Grade 6

All presentations, links, activities, homework, and videos from the Flight unit will be posted below.

Lesson 1: Properties of Air 

  1. Watch the video above
  2. Make a copy of the Properties of Air document, add it to your Flight folder, and answer the 6 questions

Lesson 2: Lift vs. Gravity

  1. Make a copy of the Properties of Air Web and add it to your Flight folder notes
  2. Read the following and answer questions #1 and 3

Lesson 3: Adaptations of Flight

  1. Read the following and answer questions #1 and 2 at the end of the document.
  2. All answers should be saved to your Flight folder

Lesson 4: Air in Motion – Part 1

  1. Read and follow the procedures below.
  2. Answer questions 1 and 2 at the end under the communicate section.

Air in Motion – Part 2

  1. Read and follow the procedures below.
  2. Answer questions 1 and 3 at the end under the communicate section.

Lesson 5: Take Off

Paper Airplane Airport Challenge Questions

Lesson 6: The Four Forces of Flight

  1. Read The Four Forces link (Remember that we use Weight and Gravity interchangeably)
  2. The Four Forces student questions assignment (Make a copy, add to your Flight folder, and complete the assignment)
  3. If finished, play around with this flight simulator to further your understanding of the four forces of flight (must have flash enabled)
  4. Complete this Quizlet on flight when you are finished.

Lesson 7: Video Worksheet

  1. Watch the video above
  2. Make a copy of the Flight video worksheet, add it to your Flight folder, and fill in the answers

Lesson 8: Build Your Own Rocket

  1. Rocket Design Template
  2. 60-second Video Analysis on Canva

End of Unit Review (Make a copy and add it to your Flight folder)

Solutions to the review (Check your answers with these ones and make any necessary adjustments)

Create a Plan to Study – link



Choose a Wow in World podcast to listen to

Practice your coding skills using these fun challenges from

Biodiversity – Grade 6

Biodiversity – Grade 6

Below are all of the presentations, videos, and assignments for our unit on Biodiversity.

Lesson 1: What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity Videos

Lesson 2:  The 5 Kingdoms and Classification

Lesson 3:  Classification of Trees


Tree Identification Resources

Natural History Museum Tree Identification Key

Lesson 4:  Classifying Animals – The Invertebrates

Lesson 5:  Classifying Animals – The Vertebrates

Lesson 6:  Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt Evidence Sheet – link

Lesson 7:  Biodiversity Worksheet

Biodiversity Video Worksheet – link

Grade 6 – Electricity

Grade 6 – Electricity

This post will contain all of the grade 6 lessons on electricity. Students will be learning about the short and long-term impacts of electrical energy technologies in Canada on society and the environment. They will learn how circuits work by building their own series and parallel circuits and assess choices that reduce personal use of electrical energy.

Lesson 1: Renewable Energy


Lesson 2: Renewable vs. Non-Renewable Energy

Energy Quiz Review Sheet

Lesson 3: Series vs. Parallel Circuits

Lesson 4: Building Circuits

Lesson 5: Fixing Electrical Problems

There are so many uses for electricity. But what happens when something isn’t working right? Maybe your computer speakers are not working or your refrigerator isn’t staying cold. What do people do? They often need to take their appliance in to be repaired or have a technician come to the house to repair the appliance. The technician has to figure out what is wrong and why the device is not working properly. This process is called troubleshooting. Let’s practice some troubleshooting skills to solve electrical problems.

Lesson 6: What is Static Electricity?

A form of Static Electricity is lightning… check out the video below of some amazing lightning strikes.

Lesson 7: Energy Conservation and Home Electricity Audit

Lesson 8: How Do Batteries Work?

Lesson 9: Blog Hunt!

Electricity Blog Hunt Activity

Space Shuttle Design Challenge

Space Shuttle Voting Machine link

The Scientific Method

Innovation Day – Electricity Project



Grade 6 – Space

Grade 6 – Space

This post will contain all of the grade 6 lessons on space. Students will be learning about the components of the solar system, including the Sun, Earth, and other planets, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. They will learn to connect the force of gravity concepts previously taught in our flight unit to the relationships found between celestial objects in space. Later in this section, students will investigate various technologies that are used in space exploration with a focus on Canada’s contribution to our understanding of space. We will begin by learning about stars, specifically, our most important and closest star.

Space Design Challenge!

  1. Tinkercad Login Instructions
  2. Spaceship Design Challenge Rubric
  3. Tinkercad Design Reflection 


    How To Make A Video using Screencastify Tutorial


Space Review and Study Sheet

Space Review and Study Sheet Solutions!

Lesson 1: Introduction to Our Solar System

The Universe is Massive!

Solar System Simulator Activity (Make a copy for yourself in your Space folder and follow the instructions)

Lesson 2: That Glorious Old Sun

That Glorious Old Sun Research Activity link (Make a copy and add it to your space folder before beginning)

Lesson 3: The Earth’s Orbit and Seasons

Lesson 4: Phases of the Moon

  1. Complete this online worksheet on the phases of the moon and take a screenshot of the finished product. Place the screenshot here
  2. Where does the term ‘Blood Moon’ come from?

Bonus: Take this Quiz to see how well you know the phases

Lesson 5: Eclipses

Lesson 6: Comets, Asteroids, Meteors, & Meteorites

Student code login details here

Lesson 7: Spring and Neap Tides

Lesson 8: Planets and our Solar System

Lesson 9: Bill Nye Space Exploration

Space Exploration Video Worksheet (Make a copy, submit to your hand-in folder)

Lesson 10: Canadians in Space

Grade 6 – Flight

Grade 6 – Flight

All presentations, links, activities, homework, and videos from the Flight unit will be posted below.

Lesson 1: Properties of Air 

  1. Watch the video above
  2. Make a copy of the Properties of Air document, add it to your Flight folder, and answer the 6 questions

Lesson 2: Lift vs. Gravity

  1. Make a copy of the Properties of Air Web and add it to your Flight folder notes
  2. Read the following and answer questions #1 and 3

Lesson 3: Air in Motion – Part 1

Air in Motion – Part 2

Lesson 4: Take Off

Paper Airplane Airport Challenge Questions

Lesson 5: The Four Forces of Flight

  1. The Four Forces link (Remember that we use Weight and Gravity interchangeably)
  2. The Four Forces student questions assignment
  3. Play around with this flight simulator to further your understanding of the four forces of flight (must have flash enabled)

Lesson 6: Adaptations of Flight

Lesson 7: Video Worksheet

  1. Watch the video above
  2. Make a copy of the Flight video worksheet, add it to your Flight folder, and fill in the answers

Lesson 8: Build Your Own Rocket

Rocket Design Template

60 second Video Analysis Flipgrid

End of Unit Review

Flight Review – Notes and Blog Hunt! (Make a copy and add it to your Flight folder)

Solutions to the review (Check your answers with these ones and make any necessary adjustments)

Create a Plan to Study – link


Choose a Wow in World podcast to listen to

Practice your coding skills using these fun challenges from

Grade 6: Biodiversity

Grade 6: Biodiversity

Below are all of the presentations, videos, and assignments for our unit on Biodiversity.

Lesson 1: What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity Videos

Lesson 2:  The 5 Kingdoms and Classification

Lesson 3:  Classification of Trees


Tree Identification Resources

Natural History Museum Tree Identification Key

Lesson 5: Classifying Animals – Invertebrates

PDF of Invertebrates Presentation

Lesson 6: Classifying Animals – Vertebrates

Lesson 7:  Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt Evidence Sheet – link

Lesson 8:  Biodiversity Worksheet

Biodiversity Video Worksheet – link

Lesson 9: CoSpaces Introduction

  1. Introductory Activity and Tutorial

Introductory Videos

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