Behaviour Management
Behaviour Management
- Students are expected to be respectful to the teacher, their peers and to themselves. Be kind with your words and actions, avoid mean comments, whispering, and gossip. You are responsible to replace any damaged or broken material.
- Students are expected to be in their assigned seats, ready to work, when the class begins.
- Students are expected to bring supplies and textbooks to class every day.
- The classroom is a place to learn. Listen carefully and follow directions. Work quietly and do not disturb others who are working.
- No gum, or toys are allowed in the classroom. Water is encouraged, as long as there is a lid for the water and it does not become a distraction.
- Students are to remain seated and working until dismissed from the class by the teacher.
- Have a positive mindset, don’t be afraid to take a risk and always try your best.
- Keep your marks to yourself.
- Work as a team. Be kind to others with your words and actions.
- Have fun.
- 1st offense – Gentle reminder of rules
- 2nd offense– More serious individual warning/body break?
- 3rd offense – timeout away from the group
- 4th offense – recess detention/sent to office /write an apology note/parents notified