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Category: Grade 7

Innovation Day 2025

Innovation Day 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Innovation Day. A day to celebrate Science here at the OJCS. Find the full schedule breakdown at the bottom of this post and parent visitation times for presentations in the graphic. Innovation Day outlines and rubrics for the middle school projects are also posted below.

Grade 6 Innovation Day – Electricity Project

Grade 7 Innovation Day – Animal Structures Project

Grade 8 Innovation Day – Simple Machines Project

OJCS Innovation Day:  Mon., Feb. 10th and Tues., Feb 11th

Day 1

  • 2:25 – 3:00 Set up for grades 6, 7, and 8 (gym)
  • 3:00 – 4:00 Open to parents and K – 5 classes to visit grades 6 to 8 projects (gym)

Day 2

  • 9:00 – 10:55 Judging in the gym of Grade 6, 7, and 8 Projects (by external judges)
  • 9:00 – 9:45 In-class presentations for K-5 (Open to parents and friends to visit K-5 projects)
  • 10:55 – 11:15 Snack break
  • 11:15 – 11:30 Tefillah for grades 6 to 8 students followed by class as usual
  • 11:05 – 1:05 Grade 6 to 8 projects left up in the gym for K–5 classes to visit
  • 1:45 – 2:25 Clean-up of grades 6 to 8 Projects in gym
  • 3:15 Whole school assembly to announce the grade 6, 7, and 8 bronze, silver, and gold medalists.
Structures – Grade 7

Structures – Grade 7

All presentations, links, and videos from the Structures: Form and Function lessons will be posted below.

Lesson 1: Stability and Forces Presentation


Lesson 2: Stress on Structures and Structure Types Presentation

Lesson 3: Stability, Symmetry & Bridge Type Presentation


Innovation Day

Ottawa Regional Science Fair

Students who want to enter an independent project in the ORSF can find all information, links, rubrics, and registration details below.

ORSF (Ottawa Regional Science Fair Info)

Ecosystems – Grade 7

Ecosystems – Grade 7

This post will contain all of the grade 7 lessons on ecosystems. Students will be learning about the interactions within the environment, and identifying factors that affect the balance of an ecosystem. They will design and construct a model biosphere and use it to investigate interactions between components and how matter is cycled within the environment. Later in this section, students will describe the roles and interactions of producers within an ecosystem and distinguish between primary and secondary succession. We will begin by learning how to identify biotic and abiotic elements in ecosystems and describe the interactions between them.

Lesson 1: Biotic and Abiotic Factors

  1. List the biotic and abiotic factors in this handout (make a copy for yourself and save it to your ecosystems folder)
  2. Download a copy of this 4.1 ‘What is an Ecosystem?‘ text to your ecosystems folder
  3. Read the information and answer questions 2, 3, and 4 at the end of the text

Lesson 2: Ecosystem Unit Vocabulary

  1. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet (To be filled in using the 4.1 & 4.4 note)
  2. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet – Solutions
  3. Vocabulary worksheet
  4. Vocabulary of Ecosystems Worksheet – Solutions

Lesson 3: Interactions among Living Things

  1. Read the 4.4 Interactions among Living Things note
  2. Note the terms competition, predator, prey, and mutualism and add them to your vocabulary student sheet
  3. Choose a date for the upcoming vocabulary quiz.

Lesson 4: Biospheres

  1. Making a Biosphere Recipe
  2. Making a Biosphere Rubric

Lesson 5: Food Chains and Food Webs

  1. Read the ‘Food Chains and Food Webs‘ text
  2. Create a doc called ‘Food Chains and Food Webs’ in your ecosystems folder and answer questions #1 – 5 from the text

3. Watch the video above

4. Make a copy of the Food Webs video worksheet, fill it out, and submit it to your hand-in folder

Lesson 6: Carbon and Water Cycles

  1. Download a copy of this ‘Matter Cycles‘ text to your ecosystems folder
  2. Answer questions #2, 4, & 5 from the text
  3. Read the Carbon Cycle and Water Cycle Handout

Lesson 7: Energy Flow

  1. Read the Energy Flow in an Ecosystem note
  2. Answer questions 1, 4, and 5 in your Ecosystems folder
  3. Complete the Cycling of Matter labeling handout

Lesson 8: Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem

  1. Read the Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem note
  2. Answer questions #1, 2, & 3 from the text
  3. Note the terms photosynthesis, producers, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, scavenger, omnivore, detrivore, decomposer and add them to your vocabulary student sheet

Lesson 9: CoSpaces Project

  1. Introductory Activity and Tutorial
  2. CoSpaces Rubric and Assignment
  3. Coding Cheat Sheet

Introductory Videos

Using Paths

Grade 7 – Chemistry

Grade 7 – Chemistry

All of our Pure Substances & Mixtures unit resources will be posted here and broken down into 3 sub units; Classifying matter, Solutions, and Separating Mixtures.

Could Do

  1. Take this quick quiz on the Particle Theory.
  2. Other States of Matter (Read the following if you are interested in the 4th State of Matter, Plasma)

Lesson 1: Classifying Matter

1.1 – What is Matter? (Make a copy of all student textbook pages and add them to your Chemistry Folder)

1.2 – More About Matter (After adding to your Chemistry folder, read and answer questions #1 -4)

Lesson 2: Pure Substances vs. Mixtures

1.4 – Pure Substances and Mixtures (Read and answer questions #1, 3, and 4)

Classifying Matter Quiz Study Sheet

Lesson 3: Heterogenous vs. Homogenous

Try this Homogenous vs. Heterogenous Quizizz to see how well you know the material so far

1.6 – Mechanical Mixtures and Solutions (Read and answer questions #1, 2, and 5)

Lesson 4: The Periodic Table of Elements

Some Key Concepts About Elements and their Atoms

  • Atoms are made of extremely tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
  • Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, making up the nucleus.
  • Electrons surround the nucleus.
  • Protons have a positive charge.
  • Electrons have a negative charge.
  • The charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite.
  • Neutrons have no charge.
  • Since opposite charges attract, protons and electrons attract each other.

How to Read a Box on the Periodic Table of Elements (google doc link)


Lesson 5: Building Atoms

  1. Build an Atom Simulator
  2. Build an Atom Simulator student assignment

Lesson 6: Solutions

2.1 – Solutes and Solvents (Read and answer questions #1-6)

Lesson 7: Dissolving Rates and the Particle Theory

2.2 – Dissolving and the Particle Theory

Answer the 3 self-check questions and save them to your Chemistry folder

2.3 – Concentration and Solubility (Read and answer questions #2-6)

Lesson 8: Labs

Classifying Matter Lab

Classifying Matter Lab 2

Bill Nye Chemical Reactions

Lesson 9: Separating Mixtures

3.2 – Separating Mechanical Mixtures (Answer #1-4)

3.5 – Separating Solutions (Answer #1-3, don’t worry about drawing a picture for question 2)


The Scientific Method

Innovation Day – Filtration Project



Ottawa Regional Science Fair

Students that want to enter an independent project in the ORSF can find all information, links, rubrics, and registration details below.

ORSF (Ottawa Regional Science Fair Info) – March 31st

Grade 7 – Ecosystems

Grade 7 – Ecosystems

Lesson 1: Biotic and Abiotic Factors

  1. List the biotic and abiotic factors in this handout (make a copy for yourself and save it to your ecosystems folder)
  2. Download a copy of this 4.1 ‘What is an Ecosystem?‘ text to your ecosystems folder
  3. Read the information and answer questions 2, 3, and 4 at the end of the text (Due Monday, September 12)

Lesson 2: Ecosystem Unit Vocabulary

  1. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet (To be filled in using the 4.1 & 4.4 note)
  2. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet – Solutions
  3. Vocabulary worksheet
  4. Vocabulary of Ecosystems Worksheet – Solutions

Lesson 3: Interactions among Living Things

  1. Read the 4.4 Interactions among Living Things note
  2. Note the terms competition, predator, prey, and mutualism and add them to your vocabulary student sheet

Upcoming Vocabulary Quiz – Thursday, September 29th

Lesson 4: Biospheres

  1. Making a Biosphere Recipe (Rough draft due: Thursday, September 29th)
  2. Making a Biosphere Rubric
  3. Helpful mason jar build resource link

Lesson 5: Food Chains and Food Webs

  1. Read the ‘Food Chains and Food Webs‘ text
  2. Create a doc called ‘Food Chains and Food Webs’ in your ecosystems folder and answer questions #1 – 5 from the text


3. Watch the video above

4. Make a copy of the Food Webs video worksheet, fill it out, and submit it to your hand-in folder

Lesson 6: Carbon and Water Cycles

Download a copy of this ‘Matter Cycles‘ text to your ecosystems folder

Carbon Cycle and Water Cycle Handout

Lesson 7: Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem

  1. Read the Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem note
  2. Note the terms photosynthesis, producers, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, scavenger, omnivore, detrivore, decomposer and add them to your vocabulary student sheet

Lesson 8: Energy Flow

  1. Read the Energy Flow in an Ecosystem note
  2. Answer questions 1, 4, and 5 in your Ecosystems folder

Lesson 9: Primary and Secondary Succession

  1. Read the Succession note
  2. Answer questions 1, and 2 in your Ecosystems folder
  3. Succession Video Assignment – link
  4. Succession student note (helpful summary)

Lesson 10: CoSpaces Project

  1. Introductory Activity and Tutorial
  2. CoSpaces Rubric and Assignment
  3. Coding Cheat Sheet

Introductory Videos

Using Paths

Grade 7: Structures

Grade 7: Structures

All presentations, links, and videos from the Structures: Form and Function lessons will be posted below.

Lesson 1: Stability and Forces Presentation


Lesson 2: Stress on Structures and Structure Types Presentation

Lesson 3: Stability, Symmetry & Bridge Type Presentation

Lesson 4: Bridge Building Design Challenge!

Grade 7 Heat

Grade 7 Heat

Find all presentations, videos, screencasts, handouts, and assignments below!


Lesson 1: Introduction to Heat (Heat in the Environment)

Estimating Temperatures Handout 

Lesson 2: Thermometers (3 HW questions located on the last slide)


Lesson 3: Heat, Temperature, and the Particle Theory

Screencast copy of the presentation

Lesson 4: Conduction

Screencast copy of the presentation

Lesson 5: Heat Video Worksheet

Bill Nye: Heat worksheet link (make a copy and share with Mr. Ray: Due Tuesday, May 17th)

Lesson 6: Convection

Lesson 7: Radiation

Lesson 8: States of Matter

End of Unit Test

Heat Unit Review Study Package

Heat Unit Review Study Guide (checklist)

#Global Maker Day @ the OJCS

#Global Maker Day @ the OJCS


On Tuesday October 12th, Science classes participated in the Global Maker Day. A day dedicated to learn, share, and play while completing STEM related challenges. Challenges will provide students to practice problem solving, be creative, and have fun learning.


Possible events, presentations, videos and challenges are listed below.


Check out for more information!


Gr. 7 Ecosystems

Gr. 7 Ecosystems

Lesson 1: Biotic and Abiotic Factors

  1. List the biotic and abiotic factors in this handout (make a copy for yourself and save it to your ecosystems folder)
  2. Download a copy of this ‘What is an Ecosystem?‘ text to your ecosystems folder
  3. Read the information and answer questions 2, 3, and 4 at the end of the text (Due Friday, September 24)

Lesson 2: Ecosystem Unit Vocabulary

  1. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet (To be filled in using the 4.1 & 4.4 note)
  2. Ecosystems Vocabulary Student Sheet – Solutions
  3. Vocabulary worksheet

Lesson 3: Biospheres

  1. Making a Biosphere Recipe 
  2. Making a Biosphere Rubric
  3. Helpful mason jar build resource link

Lesson 4: Interactions among Living Things

  1. Read the Interactions among Living Things note
  2. Note the terms competition, predator, prey, mutualism and add them to your vocabulary student sheet

Lesson 5: Food Chains and Food Webs

  1. Read the ‘Food Chains and Food Webs‘ text
  2. Create a doc called ‘Food Chains and Food Webs’ in your ecosystems folder and answer questions #1 – 5 from the the text

3. Watch the video above

4. Make a copy of the Food Webs video worksheet, fill it out, and submit it to your hand-in folder

Lesson 6: Carbon and Water Cycles

Download a copy of this ‘Matter Cycles‘ text to your ecosystems folder

Carbon Cycle and Water Cycle Handout

Lesson 7: Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem

  1. Read the Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem note
  2. Note the terms photosynthesis, producers, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, scavenger, omnivore, detrivore, decomposer and add them to your vocabulary student sheet

Lesson 8: Energy Flow

  1. Read the Energy Flow in an Ecosystem note
  2. Answer questions 1, 4, and 5 in your Ecosystems folder

Lesson 9: Primary and Secondary Succession

  1. Read the Succession note
  2. Answer questions 1, and 2 in your Ecosystems folder
  3. Succession Video Assignment – link
  4. Succession student note (helpful summary)

Lesson 10: CoSpaces Project

  1. Introductory Activity and Tutorial
  2. CoSpaces Rubric and Assignment
  3. Coding Cheat Sheet

Introductory Videos

Using Paths

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