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Category: Grade 8

Gr. 8 Water

Gr. 8 Water

All information, assignments, links, videos and rubrics for our final unit on water can be found below.

Exploring the Uses of Water Intro Activity link

10.2 – What is Water? (In your group, answer questions #1-3)

Try out this ‘Build a Molecule’ online simulator (Complete the ‘single’ category)

COULD DO (Complete the ‘multiple’, and ‘playground’ categories)

Safe Drinking Water

10.3 – The Water Cycle & 10.5 – Making Water Drinkable

Water Quality

11.1 – Fresh Water and Salt Water & 11.2 Contaminants in Water

11.4 – Watersheds & 11.7 – Wastewater Treatment

Water, Weather, and Climate

12.1 – Surface Water and Climate & 12.2 – Glaciers, Polar Ice, and Global Warming

12.4 – Floods and Droughts & 12.6 – Water is Life

Water Teaching Assignment

Assignment, Rubric, and Presentation Dates

Assignment Graphic Organizer

Innovation Day Schedule and Links

Innovation Day Schedule and Links

Welcome to the 2021 Innovation Day. A day to celebrate Science here at the OJCS. Find all the schedules and links to live presentations in the graphic below.

Click here to watch all of the videos that the middle school students created for their projects!

Gr. 8 – Systems in Action

Gr. 8 – Systems in Action

All of our Systems in Action unit resources will be posted here and broken down into 3 sub units; Introducing Systems, Getting to Work, and Designing Efficient Systems.

Introducing Systems

Student Note

1.1 – Types of Systems

1.2 – System Components (Read and answer question 2a, and 3)

Examining Physical Systems Group Activity (In your group create a shared google doc and choose 1 system to examine)

Physical Systems Possible Solutions

Getting To Work

2.1 – Simple Machines

2.3 – Mechanical Advantage (Read and answer questions #1-4)

Mechanical Advantage Word Problem Practice Sheet

Simple Machines in Your Body Activity (Due Tuesday, February 23)

2.5 – How to Calculate ‘Work’(Read and answer questions #1, 3, 4, & 5)

Simple Machines Quiz Study Sheet – (Tuesday March 2nd)

Designing Efficient Systems

3.1 – Energy on the Loose (Read and answer questions #1-4)

3.2 – Efficiency (Read and answer questions #1-5)

3.3 – Energy, Work, and Mechanical Efficiency (Read and answer questions #2, 3, 4)

Calculating Mechanical Efficiency Practice Problems (Answer questions #1-3)

Designing Efficient Systems Assignment 1

Designing Efficient Systems Assignment 2

Lever Project Info

Lever Project Outline

Class 2 lever sample

How to Make your Screencastify Video Tutorial

Lever Project Rubric

Innovation Day Self and Peer Evaluation – link

Simple Machines video worksheet – link (Due to hand-in folder at the beginning of class Wednesday April 7th)


ORSF (Ottawa Regional Science Fair Info) – March 27th

Students that want to enter an independent project to the virtual orsf can find all information, links, rubrics, and registration details below.

Ottawa Regional Science Fair Homepage

Important Dates (Registration closes March 26th)

How to Register

How to Create your Virtual Board using the ProjectBoard software

Project Rules and Regulations


OJCS STEAM project rubric, organizer, information, and tracking sheets

The Scientific Method broken down into parts and how to create it.

How to Write a Bibliography

Tracking Sheet to keep you on track. Have Mr. Ray initial each section you complete.

Scientific Method and STEAM Tracking Sheet – link

STEAM Project Rubric and Assessment Document – link

Gr. 8 Fluids

Gr. 8 Fluids

All of our learning, links, and information on Fluids can be found here. All student homework should be saved to your Science: Fluids folder in your google drive.

Introduction to Fluids

7.1 – Introduction to Fluids (read and answer question # 1) Due Mon. Dec. 7

7.2 – Characteristics of Fluids (read and answer questions #1, 3, 5 ab, 6) Due Mon. Dec. 7

Laminar vs. Tubulent Flow example


7.3 – Flow Rate and Viscosity (read and answer question # 1,2,3, 5) – Due Mon. Dec. 7

Calculating Flow Rates Worksheet (Make a copy and answer the 2 questions) – Due Mon. Dec. 7


8.1 – Weight, Mass, and Volume (read and answer questions #2 & 3) – Due Mon. Dec. 7

8.3 – Density (read and answer questions # 2 -5) – Due Wed. Dec 9

What is Density and How to Calculate Student Note (Make a copy and add to your Fluids folder)

Calculating Density Worksheet # 1 (Make a copy and add to your Fluids folder before beginning)

Calculating Density Worksheet #2  (Pics below)

Worksheet #1 and #2 Solutions 

Density Chart link (Pics below)

Comparing Densities Enrichment Questions Link

At Home Density Lab link (refer to lab report rubric for help on writing your conclusion)

Lab Report Rubric link

Buoyancy and Displacement

8.5 – Buoyancy (Read to learn more about buoyancy, displacement, density, and how ships carry cargo)

Fluids Under Pressure

9.1 – Putting the Squeeze on Fluids (Read and answer questions #1-4) Due Wed. Jan. 13th


9.4 – Effects of External Pressure on Fluids (Read, note the definitions of Pressure and Pascal’s Law, complete the ‘Try This’ section at home over a sink or bathtub)

Could Do: Answer questions #1-4

9.5 – Pressure, Volume, and Temperature (Read, complete the ‘Try This’ section and answer questions 1-4 in groups of 3)

9.7 – The Value of Valves (Read and answer questions #1-3)

9.8 – The Power of Fluids (‘Must’ read and ‘Could’ answer questions #1-3)

9.9 – Cost and Benefits of Fluids (Complete this group activity using this Checklist as your reference)


Gr. 8 – Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel

Gr. 8 – Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel

As part of our cross curricular learning and technology piece of the Science & Technology portion of our class, students will be 3D modelling dreidels in a class-wide and world-wide STEAM competition. Students are challenged to build a dreidel using the online software program, tinkercad, that spins and creatively incorporates a Jewish hero theme.

All of our class competition information and tinkercad links will be housed here.

Important Links

Tinkercad login instructions link

Rules and Guidelines link

Rubric for Competition

Vote for your favourite design google form

Gr. 8 Guest Speaker Dr. Tannenbaum on Vaccines

Gr. 8 Guest Speaker Dr. Tannenbaum on Vaccines

The grade 8 class were fortunate enough to participate in session with Dr. Joanne Tannenbaum about vaccines as part of their unit on Cells. Students were able to learn from home in a shared google meet, and in the classroom as part of our hyflex learning program. They began learning about the differences between red and white blood cells, what their roles are in the body and specifically when they are fighting a virus or other harmful invaders.

Of course, a huge focus of the seminar centered around COVID-19, and the unprecedented development of a potential vaccine. Many of the well-thought out questions from students, both in-class and at home, were about COVID-19, staying safe, the benefits of wearing masks, and where we are currently in the development of a possible vaccine for the virus.

Students learned about the variety of vaccine types available and the difference between live virus vs. non-live virus vaccines, how they augment the body’s immune system at a cellular level by creating antibodies. They even got a bit of history lesson on the first vaccine created 250 years ago for smallpox. OJCS gives a huge thank you to Dr. Joanne Tannenbaum for donating her time…again,  to help educate our kids with the scientific facts on this important, and current topic.

Gr. 8 Cells

Gr. 8 Cells

Cell Theory

4.2 Postulates of the Cell Theory

Plant and Animal Cells

4.5 Plant and Animal Cells (Read and answer question 4 at the end of the text)

Plant vs. Animal Cell Labelling Sheet 1 (Make a copy and save to your Cells folder)


The Compound Microscope

4.3 – The Compound Microscope (Read and answer questions 2-5 at the end of the text)

Microscope Labelling Diagram

Microscope Labelling Diagram Solutions

Comparing Plant & Animal Cells Lab

Lab sheet for students (make a copy for yourself) – Due Wed. October, 21

Cells Lab Instructions Page 1

Cells Lab Instructions Page 2

Microscope Cell Drawing Template

Lab Rubric

Advances in Microscopy

4.8 – Advances in Microscopy (Read and answer questions 2 – 6)

Add Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and Lysosomes to your cell organelle and function study sheet.

Animal vs Plant Cell Labelling Sheet # 2 – (Organelle Parts and Function Quiz: Wednesday October, 28)

Solutions to Labelling Sheet # 2

More Solutions to Labelling Sheet # 2

Selectively Permeable Membranes

5.1 – The Cell Membrane (Answer questions #1-3 and add to your Cells folder)

Diffusion and Osmosis

5.2 – Diffusion (Answer questions #2, 4, 5 and add to your Cells folder)

5.3 – Osmosis and Turgor Pressure (Answer questions #2 & 3 and add it to your Cells folder)

Here is a presentation on Osmosis and Turgor Pressure that may help your understanding of concepts.

I realized that the screen went black on the last slide of the screencast. Here is the slide on Turgor Pressure to go along with the audio.

Cell Wars – Defending against invaders

Cell Wars Student Note link (Make a copy, add it to your Cells folder and answer questions #1-3)

Cell Systems

The Levels of Organization

Unicellular Organisms

Unicellular Organisms Defined:

Unicellular organisms are composed of a single cell, unlike multicellular organisms that are made of many cells. This means that they each live and carry out all of their life processes as one single cell. Most unicellular organisms are microscopic;

  • Also called microorganisms or microbes since they are only visible under a microscope.
  • The single cell is responsible for feeding, digestion, excretion and reproduction.
  • Some microorganisms make us sick, but without the others we could not survive.
  • The following are examples of unicellular organisms:
    • Bacteria
    • Protists
    • Some Fungi

Multicellular Organisms Defined: 

A tissue, organ or organism that is made up of many cells is said to be multicellular. Animals, plants, and fungi are multicellular organisms and often, there is specialization of different cells for various functions. In contrast, unicellular, or single-celled organisms are much smaller in size and less complex as they are composed of just one cell that senses its environment, gathers nutrients and reproduces asexually. The following are examples of multicellular organisms: human beings, organs and tissues,  plants, animals, birds and insects. 

~Generally speaking, we can say that unicellular and multicellular organisms are alike in that they exhibit all the functions of life, such as metabolism and reproduction, they contain DNA and RNA, they can exhibit a wide range of lifestyles, and they are essential to almost every ecosystem that we currently know of.

Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium on the move

The paramecium are the larger protists, amoeba are the blob-like protists, and euglena are the smaller unicellular organisms.

Unit Review

Cells Unit Study Sheet

Student Note Study Package (Make a copy for yourself to modify/print out)

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